digital workflow automation

create. manage. share. store.

Automated Publishing Services specializes in the efficiency of movement within operating and workflow systems

Efficiency of movement

Any athlete can look formidable at the start of an event, yet it’s that fine-tuning of subtle movements within the overall technique, and the subsequent preservation of available energy that makes the difference as the finish line nears.

Automated Publishing Services specializes in that fine-tuning within your company, providing the workflow tools, systems and operations to complement a champion.

digital automation

Why is digital automation crucial for your business?

of employees spend their valuable time searching for documents manually.
is the average amount of time employees can spend per week searching for the right version of a requested document.
of Customer Support professionals believe that time and workload management are obstacles.

Key Focus Areas

Why do I need workflow automation?

Leveraging the power of automation lies in the ability to connect and integrate services, systems and solutions intelligently.


Software, operations and workflow optimisation.

APS assess your existing software, operations and workflow setup with a view to fine-tune the outputs of each system. Even the smallest change or potential upgrade could translate to enhanced all-round efficiency and, by consequence, improved results.


Streamlining content operations and integrations.

APS, is a leading outlet for some of the world’s best integrated systems software. We make all the necessary introductions when it comes to both streamlining your current operations and integrating potentially game-changing upgrades.


Building bespoke systems around your vision.

APS has the experience and resources at hand to create a bespoke system to best complement your vision, should there not be an appropriate existing solution available.

Your brand is unique and, as such, may require a software solution custom built to optimally cater to its needs.